Help Desk: How do I correct the ImgX3.dll was unable to register failure?

  1. This cause of this failure is due to a missing DLL that was omitted from the 2/21/00 build of Release 1.19A97. As a work around you can install the DLL separately. Download Missing DLL When the file is downloaded copy it to the C:\Windows\System folder on your PC.
  2. Open the file: C:\Program Files\Laser Disc Register\Release 1.19\Regsvr32a.exe.  This will unpack the executable and the instructions.
  3. Move the file Regsvr32.exe to your root folder usually C:\
  4. Enter the following command line in the Start>Run form.
    Regsvr32.exe C:\windows\system\MSVBMV60.DLL.dll
  5. After MSVBMV60 library is installed, restart the setup for Release 1.19A97.

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Revised September 5, 2009